Kingdoms of Camelot Wiki

This is a gallery of Throne Room items in the form of their Tool Tip (Cards).

This page and the galleries below provides a place to display the cards uploaded by users. There are plenty of pictures below, so please upload more pictures sparingly, and only if the Item featured is special (e.g. unique or part of an event).

Throne Room Item's Tool Tip[]

A Throne Room's item Type, Quality, Suffix, Effects, and Upgrades are viewable in the Item's Tool Tip. You can access the Tool Tip by scrolling over your acquired Throne Room Item in your Throne Room Inventory and over equipped items in your Throne Room.

The Tool Tip appears stylised in the form of a card, prompting some players to dub them as such.

The font on initial versions of the Tool Tip was difficult to read, especially when greyed out. User:Robert_C._Odya changed the background of the pictures he uploaded to make the font easier to read, hence the white background in some of the cards shown below.

A patch on 24 April 2012 changed the appearance of the tool tip: removing a description of the item type, adding information such as Might and Faction and fixed the font. The item types were also simplified from Seneschal, Tapestry, Chair, Relic and Window [1] to Advisor, Banner, Chair, Table and Window respectively.

The tool tip was changed again at the end of May 2012. Changes include fixing the number of decimal points on all effects to two.

On 22 June 2012, Kabam introduced a sixth item type: Trophy.

On 20 Dec 2012, Kabam introduced a seventh item type: Candelabrum.

For the full list of item effects and their maximum values, see Throne Room Item Effects.

Current Version[]

Advisor Banner Candelabrum Table Throne Trophy Window Statue Hero
Kay Relief Banner Dark Master Jack Dominance WonTroVal3
Wynn Captura2222
Mordred Hallowed Throne

Version 2[]

Advisor Banner Chair Table Window
WonChrFor Table koc WonWinMag

Version 1[]

Seneschal Tapestry Chair Relic Window
Simpleadvisargosy Simbanfall 58 Simple table with 8 range Simwincalm
Simargo2 13 Simplecouragechair Simtabhaste Simwinawgis1
Simadsub Simplesharpsteel Simpletabcour Simwincon
Simadvmason 11 Simwinweak
Simplepatronage Simplepiercing 1000
Combanchains Commoncouragechair Commontabrage
Commonfort Commontabfort
Commoncause Commontabresist
Uncommondel Uncommonsharpsteel Screen Shot 2012-03-15 at 12.48.52 PM Uncommtabcour2 Uncomwinburd
Uncommonpiercing 22
Screen Shot 2012-03-15 at 12.49.47 PM Range Range debuff
Epic banner Screen Shot 2012-03-15 at 12.48.10 PM Screen Shot 2012-03-15 at 12.49.29 PM
Epic table
Screen Shot 2012-03-15 at 12.49.14 PM Screen Shot 2012-03-15 at 12.48.36 PM WondrousChairOfRage Screen Shot 2012-03-15 at 12.49.25 PM Screen Shot 2012-03-15 at 12.48.25 PM
Koc items Sans titre-2copie Sans titre-2copie
WonAdvMag Wondrous 2
